Monday, July 12, 2010

What happens in New Orleans was once in a lifetime

I am going to be very frank about this..New Orleans was not so much fun. The city itself was dirty, smelly, and overall very unimpressive.

New Orleans has some perks:

1. Open container law - Very handy when you are walking from bar to bar trying to find a place for your underage sister to get in.

2. Food choices aplenty - We never really had a hard time finding a place to eat since there were many many choices, but they all served the same food.

3. Sweet Aquarium - My friends and I went to the Audubon aquarium and it was pretty awesome :) We also visited the insectarium and the zoo.

If I had to choose a vacation spot tomorrow, New Orleans would not make the top 50. I really did not like the city or the people.

Moral of the Story: New Orleans is not for the faint of heart, those under the age of 18, those over the age of 25, or anyone who has morals.

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