Business in the front and party in the back..nothing makes me think of the 80's like a Mullet. A decent mullet is hard to maintain, hard to keep trendy and most of all hard to not laugh at when you see when shopping at the mall. Check out
this website for some famous mullets that you may have forgotten.

The point of this post was not to reminisce about of the the worst haircuts our generation has seen, it was to talk about my job AGAIN. This morning I strolled into their house and was greeting by two smiling faces, remember no number 2 this week!!! However, one of the smiley faces had an unfortunate mullet upon her head. Apparantly number 2 came across a pair of scissors before she left for Grandmas's and gave number 3 a new do. It's pretty amusing, but sad because number 3 is sooo cute but she can't pull off a mullet. No one can.
I used the photobooth o

n my computer and although this picture has the mirror affect, it really was the best shot of her new bangs. This picture in disguise might be best because I don't need anyone coming across it and telling the parents that number 2 drives me crazy 94% of the time.
Moral of the story: Your house should be scissor free from age Newborn to 18. You can never really trust those buggars.
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