Monday, March 29, 2010

This girl has herself a new hobby!

I just signed up for a cake decorating class! I am uber excited to learn the art of cake decorating! I have always been amazed by the shows like Ace of Cakes or Cake Boss and now I am giving it a try. My sister and I are taking the class through Wilton at a local Michael's craft store.This is an actual picture of a cake my friend made! She has just finished her 12th week in the class, and I am starting at the beginning, but if I can create anything even close to this in 12 weeks, I would be so pleased!!!!

Moral of the Story: I should just quit grad school and become a famous cake decorator...AM I RIGHT?

Thursday, March 25, 2010

I am thrilled with the results...

I DID IT! and they were great! My picture doesn't do it justice, but the rainbow effect was quite awesome! I am very excited to try these a few more times and perfect the stripes. My friends thought they were cute too.

The best part of the process was how easy it was! Just follow these steps:

Ingredients:Food Coloring
White Cake Mix (and the materials to make the cake according to the box)Cupcake Pan & Liners
5 bowls


1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

2. Make the cake batter according to the box. (I recommend using egg white and white cake mix for the brightest colors.)
3. Divide the batter into 5 bowls.
4. Drop food coloring into each bowl. ( I used 10 drops of liquid coloring for each color in each bowl)

5. Stir really well. (You can see that my colors aren't that bright. After research, I have learned that gel food coloring might be the better option for BRIGHT colors.)6. Now you can start to layer the cupcake liners. Start with your darkest color on the bottom, moving up. I found that the best way to do this evenly was to lay about a spoonful of the blue batter down in all 12 liners and then spread it evenly with the back of my spoon. Then I layered the green batter in all 12 cups...etc.

7. Bake according to the package.8. Let cool, frost, and enjoy!
Moral of the Story: TRY THESE! They are great for parties, classrooms, and just to brighten someone's day. Mix the colors up!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

I am inspired to bake..

I have recently stumbled upon a few awesome blogs that involve baking and I am inspired to try some new ideas! Stay tuned in the next few days to see how my colorburst cupcakes go (click the link to see where I got the idea), but check out these blogs for now!

Thanks for the baking ideas! Are there any things that you have been really excited about doing recently?

Thursday, March 18, 2010

AMEN Postsecret!

This is me to a tee! I wish that I could understand the students who choose to act retarded, drink every night to the point of not remembering, hook up with random strangers and then not remember what happened the next day. To the people who wear clothes that don't cover them, or shirts unbuttoned to expose their abs, those with too much makeup on their face to see what they actually look like. The people who act to indy to actually be indy, the people who shop at stores for the logo, the guys that wear polo shirts to look fratish, the guys actually in a frat, the girls that think they are cool, and the girls that wish they could be the girls that think they are cool. I hate the people that party, party, party and then ask you for your notes because they are too hungover to take their own, and the people that let them borrow them because they want to fit it. I hate the people that are too artsy to really do anything productive in classes, and then the people that are here because their parents paid for them to be here. I don't understand the people who listen to Ke$ha because she is cool or watch the Jersey Shore because it is real life. Now I fully understand that there are plenty of twenty somethings that do these things responsibly, but they are a select few.

Check out Postsecret for more fabulous secrets that you may identify with!

Moral of the story: Please don't sit by me if you identify with any of these traits. I cannot be held responsible for my actions.

Thursday, March 4, 2010


Due to the lack of blogging form this girl you can tell my semester has been a little bit crazy! I am excited to announce that it is Spring Break for me and I am gladly leaving the country for a cruise! I can't wait to get going...

Moral of the Story: All work and no play makes a bad situation.