Remember when I told you I was so excited to see Eat, Pray, Love? I spaced out with this whole school starting business and never recapped the movie. Here I bring you my review:
I LOVED Eat, Pray, Love. I will not discuss in major detail the reasons for which I enjoyed this movie because I hate when people spoil a movie for me. However, I will say: Most of the movie is true to the book, Julia Roberts was fabulous, and the medicine man in Bali was the cutest old man I may have ever seen. Check out this clip of when Julia's character meets Ketut.
I really hate when Hollywood takes a book and butchers it to beyond recognition (a la Confessions of a Shopaholic) and puts the same title on the movie. It makes people less excited to read a book. Eat, Pray, Love did the exact opposite, my good friend and I went to see the movie and as we were walking out she said, "I think I might read the book because it seems like I would understand the movie better." That's an A+ Hollywood.
Moral of the story: See this movie! It will make you want to travel the world and have the experiences Elizabeth Gilbert did. or maybe that's just me.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Sometimes you just need a break...
I love my friends. Really I do. However, I am currently feeling like our friendship is not a great as it used to be. I am wondering if every friendship reaches a point where they question when the friendship broke down and if it will ever get better again. I have been having a rough few weeks with my friends and I just want to go back to the way things used to be.
I didn't really notice anything was wrong with my close group of friends until I was invited out with another group of friends. These second group of friends are not people I hangout with a lot and therefore we spent the time together catching up, laughing, and having a great time. I miss the times when my really close group of friends did that. Now all we do it gossip, talk about the crappy things going on in life, and discuss school. I think that we need a clean slate and a chance to laugh until we cry again.
My friends have made my last three years in Gainesville some of the best times I will ever remember and I would hate to have this awkward period ruin what we experienced together since we met. Our group has a lot of things coming up in the next few weeks because one of us is getting married and I hope the festivities will be remembered as happy and fun and not a memory of catty fighting.
What do I do? Do I try to pretend that things that have been done and said are forgotten? Do I talk to them and hope it doesn't make things worse?
I didn't really notice anything was wrong with my close group of friends until I was invited out with another group of friends. These second group of friends are not people I hangout with a lot and therefore we spent the time together catching up, laughing, and having a great time. I miss the times when my really close group of friends did that. Now all we do it gossip, talk about the crappy things going on in life, and discuss school. I think that we need a clean slate and a chance to laugh until we cry again.
My friends have made my last three years in Gainesville some of the best times I will ever remember and I would hate to have this awkward period ruin what we experienced together since we met. Our group has a lot of things coming up in the next few weeks because one of us is getting married and I hope the festivities will be remembered as happy and fun and not a memory of catty fighting.
What do I do? Do I try to pretend that things that have been done and said are forgotten? Do I talk to them and hope it doesn't make things worse?
Monday, August 16, 2010
It's my last first day of school
Today was my very last, First day of School as a student. I started my internship today and it was fantastic! I love my teacher, my school, my third grade team, the principal, and I know I will love the kids. I didn't know what to expect for preplanning, but it was a lot of meetings thrown in between a few minutes to decorate the classroom or eat lunch. I loved every minute of it and I cannot wait to see what the rest of the week brings!
This Friday is meet the teacher, where all the students and families come to school and they get to walk to the classroom, find their desk, meet the teacher, get the materials list, etc. I always looked forward to this as a child because its the first time you can see which of your friends are in your class! I am now looking forward to this as the teacher. I will get to meet families, meet the students that I will be teaching, and see all the handwork for the week paying off. I just have to figure out what I want to wear :)
Moral of the Story: This is gonna be a great semester and I am so excited to graduate in December with my Master's in Special crazy is that.
This Friday is meet the teacher, where all the students and families come to school and they get to walk to the classroom, find their desk, meet the teacher, get the materials list, etc. I always looked forward to this as a child because its the first time you can see which of your friends are in your class! I am now looking forward to this as the teacher. I will get to meet families, meet the students that I will be teaching, and see all the handwork for the week paying off. I just have to figure out what I want to wear :)
Moral of the Story: This is gonna be a great semester and I am so excited to graduate in December with my Master's in Special crazy is that.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Spiders......are not my fortay.

I walked out of my house today and almost ran right into this guy!
I screamed a little scream, I almost cried, and then I sat my stuff down and took out my phone to catch him in the act.
I really, really, really hate spiders because they freak me out. They move so quick and have so many legs, I feel like you can never trust a spider.
I'm not sure what type of spider this is, but I do know that he is slowing creating a web of magic out side my front door. MY FRONT DOOR...the one I use like 5 times daily at least. I don't want to kill him because well I feel that death by human is unnecessary for this little guy because he really did nothing wrong except trespass on my front door. As of right now I will see how far he weaves his web and if I start t feel uneasy about him taking residence so close to my home I might have to evict him.
Moral of the story: If you have more than 2 legs, run faster than I, and get in my personal bubble..I might have to move.
Monday, August 9, 2010
Grad School continues
The entire point of creating this blog was to follow my journey from undergraduate to graduate student. I didn't do that. I posted a few times about school and my thesis and conferences, but the majority of posts are about my life. I am totally ok with that. I love grad school and I have enjoyed my experiences, but seeing as many of my experiences involve children (the special education major thing) I refrain from using thier pictures, faces, and personal stories even though they would make for fantastic stories.
Next Monday I start my full time internship. I am excited, ready, but still nervous. What if all of this practice shows me that I am not good at teaching..what if I can't meet the expectations of all of my students, what if I fail? Deep down, I don't think any of this will happen, but it could. It most certainly could and that is what makes me nervous.
I am no doubt going to slow down on posting (my god woman how could you be any slower??) but I am going to make a real effort to blog at least twice a week and to keep the posts interesting and worth while.
Next Monday I start my full time internship. I am excited, ready, but still nervous. What if all of this practice shows me that I am not good at teaching..what if I can't meet the expectations of all of my students, what if I fail? Deep down, I don't think any of this will happen, but it could. It most certainly could and that is what makes me nervous.
I am no doubt going to slow down on posting (my god woman how could you be any slower??) but I am going to make a real effort to blog at least twice a week and to keep the posts interesting and worth while.
Hungry Hippos
I have not played this game in forever, but it kinda rocks. The kids I nanny recently accuried this gem and we have spent all morning eating marbles. I totally won, but since they are 3 and 7, I let them think they won.
Moral of the Story: Games form my generation are far superior then the crap that kids play now. Hungry Hippos, Sorry, Connect 4..those are classic!

Sunday, August 8, 2010
She's Baaaaacccckkkkk
Tomorrow is the day that I have dreaded for the past week. Number 2 will be back at work and can I say OMG..I have cherished the time without her.
Hopefully she returns a different child, but seeing as she was spoiled at Grandma's all week, I doubt it. I am going to put my game face on and teach the kids how to count to five because that is the number of days I have left :)
Moral of the Story: Friday is gonna be a good good day :)
Hopefully she returns a different child, but seeing as she was spoiled at Grandma's all week, I doubt it. I am going to put my game face on and teach the kids how to count to five because that is the number of days I have left :)
Moral of the Story: Friday is gonna be a good good day :)
Friday, August 6, 2010
Eat. Pray, Love
You may have heard of it. It's a little movie that comes out next week starring Julia Roberts that is based on a best selling novel. I really enjoyed the book and I am really looking forward to the movie.
I have heard people criticize the entire plot of the book because who can afford to take a whole year off and travel the world, but things were different when she took this deeply personal trip and her situation was nothing like most people can conceive. I think the journey was exciting, nerve racking, and incredibly brave. I hope that one day I can travel the world and have experience of my own that help me the way these experience helped her.
Check out the movie trailer here.
Moral of the story: Movies are never like books, I know. I can only hope that it doesn't massacre the story to be unrecognizable.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Nothing says Party like a Mullet
Business in the front and party in the back..nothing makes me think of the 80's like a Mullet. A decent mullet is hard to maintain, hard to keep trendy and most of all hard to not laugh at when you see when shopping at the mall. Check out this website for some famous mullets that you may have forgotten.

The point of this post was not to reminisce about of the the worst haircuts our generation has seen, it was to talk about my job AGAIN. This morning I strolled into their house and was greeting by two smiling faces, remember no number 2 this week!!! However, one of the smiley faces had an unfortunate mullet upon her head. Apparantly number 2 came across a pair of scissors before she left for Grandmas's and gave number 3 a new do. It's pretty amusing, but sad because number 3 is sooo cute but she can't pull off a mullet. No one can.
Moral of the story: Your house should be scissor free from age Newborn to 18. You can never really trust those buggars.
I used the photobooth o
n my computer and although this picture has the mirror affect, it really was the best shot of her new bangs. This picture in disguise might be best because I don't need anyone coming across it and telling the parents that number 2 drives me crazy 94% of the time.

Moral of the story: Your house should be scissor free from age Newborn to 18. You can never really trust those buggars.
Monday, August 2, 2010
Pretending to be an adult for a day
About four weeks ago I received a tiny red envelope in the mail that summoned me to jury duty. I was excited. I felt important, needed, and grown up.
Today was my day to show up for duty and I joyfully woke up, showered, ate breakfast, packed snacks, grabbed a book, and went downtown to the courthouse. I made it through security with only 1 snafoo with my belt and I proceeded to the fourth floor where I was given a sticker with my juror number.
I sat. and sat. and sat some more until they decided to begin 30 minutes late. We watched a snazzy video that I suspect was shown via VCR and created in the 80's (based on clothes and hair) about the importance of being a juror and the difference between a plaintiff and a defendant. (Hello Florida, we have Judge Judy now and we know these things...)
Then the honorable so and so came in, we were sworn in, and the process began to select jurors. The judge said he would first talk to anyone individually who felt they had a hardship and would be unable to serve on a jury. No one stood. He then informed us that they were only creating 1 jury and the case was expected to last 2 weeks. TWO FREAKING WEEKS! The judge then asked again if there were any hardships and 50% of the courtroom stood and started to form a line to speak with him. I debated my situation: stay in the courtroom and take my chance of being selected and miss out on two weeks of pay form nannying or talk to the judge and tell him I am a full time student working full time to pay tuition and I can't afford to serve for two weeks. I went with option B. The judge excused me from jury duty today, but I was warned that I will be summoned again in 8 to 12 weeks.
Moral of the Story: I don't think I like being an adult that much. Bring me finals, internships, and transcripts. You can keep your bills, jury duty, and taxes.
Today was my day to show up for duty and I joyfully woke up, showered, ate breakfast, packed snacks, grabbed a book, and went downtown to the courthouse. I made it through security with only 1 snafoo with my belt and I proceeded to the fourth floor where I was given a sticker with my juror number.
I sat. and sat. and sat some more until they decided to begin 30 minutes late. We watched a snazzy video that I suspect was shown via VCR and created in the 80's (based on clothes and hair) about the importance of being a juror and the difference between a plaintiff and a defendant. (Hello Florida, we have Judge Judy now and we know these things...)
Then the honorable so and so came in, we were sworn in, and the process began to select jurors. The judge said he would first talk to anyone individually who felt they had a hardship and would be unable to serve on a jury. No one stood. He then informed us that they were only creating 1 jury and the case was expected to last 2 weeks. TWO FREAKING WEEKS! The judge then asked again if there were any hardships and 50% of the courtroom stood and started to form a line to speak with him. I debated my situation: stay in the courtroom and take my chance of being selected and miss out on two weeks of pay form nannying or talk to the judge and tell him I am a full time student working full time to pay tuition and I can't afford to serve for two weeks. I went with option B. The judge excused me from jury duty today, but I was warned that I will be summoned again in 8 to 12 weeks.
Moral of the Story: I don't think I like being an adult that much. Bring me finals, internships, and transcripts. You can keep your bills, jury duty, and taxes.
Sunday, August 1, 2010
I'm done!
This is what I looked like two days ago when I was rushing to finish a paper and submit it before the due date. I did it and now I am done with this semester and I say thank goodness! The class I have had all summer has been annoying to say the least and I am glad to part ways with the professor and take a mini break before the Fall semester begins.
Moral of the story: Get your shit done early and have sanity.
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