Thursday, April 8, 2010

More about Me

I found this little quiz on Facebook and I really liked it, so here goes nothing!

Ten Things I Wish I Could Say to anyone

10. I think you are overly self-confident
9. I wish you hadn't said it.
8. Why?
7. Are you glad it's finally over?
6. I'm so jealous :)
5. I'm so proud of you
4. Take out the trash
3. Do you remember that time we laughed so hard it hurt?
2. I miss hanging out
1. I am disgusted by your habits.

- Nine things about myself -

9. I am very opinionated
8. I like veggies.. alot!
7. I am almost done with school!
6. I am obsessed with baking right now
5. I just got a Summer job!
4. I am thrilled about my placement for my internship next Fall
3. I like cats
2. I wear size 10 shoes
1. I'm happy right now

- Eight ways to win my heart -

8. Make me laugh!
7. Make me feel pretty
6. Be intelligent..and us it
5. Write me a note, just because.
4. Change the oil in my car
3. Know the difference between dress shoes and sneakers
2. Sing me a song
1. Understand me without judging me

- Seven things that cross my mind a lot -

7. School
6. Moving out of Florida
5. Friends
4. Family
3. What would have happened if I never came to UF
2. Judgments form others
1. Money

- Six things I do before I fall asleep

6. Grab a drink
5. Shower
4. Set my alarm
3. Read
2. Put T.V. on
1. Give Gracie (my cat) a rub down

- Five things you're wearing right now -

5. Pink shirt
4. Vest
3. Capris
2. Grey and Black Necklace
1. Flip Flops

- Four friends who mean a lot -

4. Steven
3. Sammy
2. The fab five
1. Kaylin

- Three songs that lately you listen to often -

3. Banana Pancakes - jack Johnson
2. Empire State of Mind - Alcia Keys and Jay- Z
1. Chasing pavements - Adele

- Two things you want to do before you die -

2. Write a book.
1. Travel around the world.

- One confession -
1. I am addicted to my computer.

Moral of the story: I like talking about myself :) I hope you like it too.

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