Sunday, April 4, 2010

Now that we have a relationship, maybe I should introduce myself.

Inspired by many blogs that I have visited, I have decided to list 100 things about me:

  1. My name is Laura.
  2. but I have a second first name too. Ann
  3. I am 22
  4. I am a Florida Gator!
  5. I love all things orange and blue
  6. I am in Grad school
  7. I am not a fan of my program.
  8. I am on Weight Watchers
  9. I love Spinach
  10. I hate grilled cheese sandwiches.
  11. I have a fear of dancing.
  12. Hungry Girl is my new bible.
  13. I have a love of cheese..all kinds.
  14. I really love my cellphone.
  15. I want to be a teacher when I grow up.
  16. I want to teach Special Education.
  17. I have a fear of failing.
  18. I plan on moving to New York after I graduate.
  19. The big apple is amazing and beautiful in my opinion
  20. I want to live in a teeny tiny apartment that has brick walls.
  21. I am not looking for a relationship...shocker.
  22. I want to eventually settle down, but I want to be secure with my career first.
  23. I don't understand the rush to get married at a young age.
  24. I might have kids, but the idea of birth creeps me out.
  25. I'll most likely adopt.
  26. Bathtubs are also one of my phobias. Bathing in your own filth? Why?
  27. I have an awesome digital camera.
  28. I have traveled to 7 states since last March. New York, Philadelphia, California, Washington, South Carolina, Georgia, and Arkansas.
  29. I have been to 4 countries also. St. Maarten, The Bahamas, Puerto Rico, and The British Virgin Islands.
  30. I love traveling and want to do it all the time.
  31. I have BIG dreams for my life, but no one really knows them.
  32. I am currently jobless.
  33. I have three cats. they shed a lot of hair.
  34. Dogs seem like a big commitment.
  35. I currently live with my younger sister.
  36. We are often asked if we are twins, this is not the case.
  37. I want to write a book.
  38. I have a really hard time trusting people.
  39. I could count my family members on one hand.
  40. I have never met any of my aunts, uncles, or cousins.
  41. I hope that this can happen one day.
  42. I have 4 siblings, but have only met 2 of them.
  43. I grew up in Daytona Beach, FL.
  44. It is not as cool as you may think. Unless you love NASCAR or drive a motorcycle.
  45. I love to read.
  46. My favorite author is Sophie Kinsella.
  47. I am also a fan of Karyn Bosnak and Jen Lancaster.
  48. I really want to attend Blogher 10 because its in New York.
  49. I am very involved in a club at school.
  50. I wish others were as involved.
  51. I have trouble delegating because of fact #15.
  52. I have no artistic talent ever.
  53. I have never read the actual bible
  54. I have not stepped inside of a church for over two years
  55. I like to scrapbook, but I have no time.
  56. I love listening to music when I'm doing homework
  57. I like Jack Johnson
  58. I have a lot of acquaintances, but only a few friends.
  59. I love my friends.
  60. I am sad to say that I have lost a lot of friends over the years.
  61. I love to laugh.
  62. People say I have a great laugh.
  63. I love haunted houses.
  64. I enjoy Harry Potter. A LOT.
  65. I do not understand the hype with Twilight.
  66. I have not read the books, but I did see the movies. Still don't like it.
  67. I enjoy spending Holidays with family.
  68. I love pedicures.
  69. and enjoy getting my nails done too.
  70. I like to drink alcohol.
  71. but I like to also remember what happened while I drank.
  72. I am a fan of Postsecret.
  73. I read my bloglines subscriptions three times daily.
  74. My macbook is pink.
  75. I love to bake.
  76. I recently signed up for a baking class.
  77. I love Showtime! Shows like Weeds, Dexter, US of Tara, and Nurse Jackie.
  78. My favorite candy is heath bar.
  79. I prefer using rubber cement to glue.
  80. I really enjoy diet coke, diet sprite, and diet dr. pepper
  81. I subscribe to multiple magazines: Cosmo, Weight Watchers, Rachel Ray, and People.
  82. I really enjoy Rachel Ray and her 30 minute meals.
  83. I own orange Rachel Ray pots.
  84. I cook with them daily.
  85. I normally wear my hair blonde, but I went one year as a dark brunette.
  86. I prefer cold weather to hot weather.
  87. I love wearing jeans with boots.
  88. I have one tattoo and one nose piercing.
  89. I can not imagine wearing contacts.
  90. I like flip flops and sandals.
  91. I cannot eat with chopsticks, I have tried.
  92. I wish I had more time to read.
  93. I wish I were better with my money.
  94. I hope that 2010 is as good as 2009
  95. I cannot fathom how this year will end when I graduate and move away from the friends I have made.
  96. I will miss Gainesville and the University of Florida.
  97. I will miss my family.
  98. I am excited to start a new life with a degree and a career (hopefully).
  99. I am getting used to this blogging thing.
  100. I hope that more people will find me and listen to what I have to say.
I hope that you enjoyed getting to know more about me! I know that I struggled a little bit with coming up with 100 things that seemed interesting enough for anyone to read about me.

Moral of the Story: I am (semi) interesting, at least I think so.

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