Our salads are delivered to the table and I unroll my silverware, but instead of a knife and fork I am greeted by chopsticks. I think it over and then decide I am going to try it but not by first letting my friend know I have never...ever used chopsticks.
Me: Steven...Do you know how to use chopsticks?
Steven: Yes?? Doesn't everyone?
Me: Apparantly I missed that training course. Is it hard?
Steven: No, it's really easy. Just break them apart and hold them like this.
Me: (Breaks them apart. Fumbles around trying to hold them.)
Steven: No, hold them like this. Kinda like a pencil.
Me: Oh right, I always use two pencils. (Still fumbling and failing, then miraculously getting them in the right position.)
Steven: Ok, now just use your index finger and you can pick up food. (He does this so gracefully.)
Me: 1...2....3...crap I dropped them. (I tried this repeatedly for 6 minutes before...)
Me: Do you think they have those chopsticks that are already put together that I used as a kid for fun?
Steven: No, I don't think they have training chopsticks...let's try this again. Hold this one here and the other one with this finger and blabbity blabbity blabbity.
Me: Yeah, this not eating my salad thing isn't working for me, Can I ask for a fork?
Steven: I'm sure you could ask for a fork, but I might have to move to another table.
Me: Are you embarrased to be with someone who eats with a fork?
Steven: Yeah, everyone here eats with chopsticks.
Me: But I don't know how...and for the record, I would totally not be embarrased if you pulled out chopsticks at a BBQ place.
(The waitress came, saw that my salad was not even touched and asked me if I needed a fork....apparantly I am not the only person who goes there and can't use chopsticks.)
I finished my salad, ate the wontons, and ate the sushi roll. I am not sure that Steven will ever ask me to eat sushi again because I did things a little outside of the box (how was I supposed to know you don't cut the sushi roll in half?), but it was fun.
Moral of the story: Try new foods, sometimes you'll like them and always carry a knife and fork in your purse!
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