Monday, July 12, 2010

Is it worth it???

Remember, not too long ago when I was super excited about my real paying job. Let's just say I am less excited today.

These kids are the best form of birthcontrol. They are driving me slowly into a state of total chaos. I knew that working 10 hours a day with three kids under the age of six would be stressful, but I had no idea. I think it strange that my major is elementary education and here I am complaining about children, but let's be real. Teaching is not babysitting. In my classroom I will read, talk about cool things like science and history, we will eat lunch, have recess (hopefully) and then they will get some homework and we will continue the processs throughout the year and they will become more educated, hopefully more socially responsible an din the end I will survive.

My current job goes a little something like this:

I arrive, kids eat breakfast, one kid throws oatmeal on the floor, dog eats eat, kid cries. then we play wit toys, fights ensue, more crying followed by arm biting and hair pulling. Dogs get involved, someone falls down, more crying and probably a time out or two.

We might go to the mall (indoor playground and it's like 200 degrees here) or the museum (free arts and crafts) but this usually involves a 45 minute period of time in which we get dressed, find shoes, grab toys that want to go, put on shoes, grab diapers, get snacks, more crying, probably a time out or two and then we leave.

Lunch involved three different sandwiches, a plethora of sides. I know I could make one lunch and call it done but that might result in more crying and probably a timeout or two.

Then we watch TV. I kid you not the only period of time when there is no crying and not a timeout unless kid one kicks kid two because kid three got too close to them on the couch.

Nap time for kid 3, Kid 2 gets a hour of quiet time, and kid 1 does his own thing. My FREE time and i shall cherish it daily.

Snack time is similar to breakfast and it usually results in a timeout or two.

Then more playing, more crying, more kicking, more biting, more hairpulling, resulting in a timeout or two.

That is my day Monday thru Friday from 8 to 5.

Moral of the Story: Bring on the diploma, I cannot wait to have a classroom where the kids know I am there to help them and not put them in timeout.

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