Thursday, August 13, 2009

10% Chance of Rain

I never understood why Florida was called the "Sunshine State." It is fact that every single day throughout the months of May through August it will rain. I am not talking about 'light cool your face off with a breeze' kind of rain, I am referring to the 'holy crap my umbrella just broke due to monsoon wind gusts' type of rain.

Let me give you a timeline of today's events:

5:15PM - Get dressed for work
5:25PM- Straighten hair
5:35PM- Apply make-up
5:45PM- Get in car and begin drive to work
5:46PM- Rain begins to fall
5:48PM- Rain begins to pour
5:55PM- Sitting in car because I don't want to get wet
5:58PM- Getting out of car, with umbrella, because I cannot be late for work
6:00PM- Walk into work wet (Yes I had an umbrella, but umbrella manufacturing companies have yet to master the art of horizontal rain.)
6:01PM- Clock in for my shift
6:02PM- Power to the entire Mall goes out (really)
6:03PM- Manager asks me if I think the customers should leave the store....No, I find it completely safe that we have 2 registers full of cash in a dark unlocked store with no working cameras or alarms. YES, make the customers leave!
6:05PM- My manager proceeds to try and close the ELECTRIC gate. She turns to me and asks "why won't it work." (Honestly, I might quit my job for this fact alone. The woman is my manager!)
6:08PM- We finally get the emergency handle to work and are able to manually close the gate and lock it.
6:12PM- Our district manager calls and informs us that if the power does not come back by 6:45 we can leave.
6:13PM-6:42PM - We sit in a dark and quiet store making awkward chit-chat and hoping that we can leave soon.
6:43PM- So close to 6:45...We are in the clear! I am going home!
6:45PM- Locking the gate and heading for the employee exit.
6:46PM- Power is restored...
6:47PM- We shuffle back to the store and reopen. Just my luck. It stinks because NO ONE was in the mall after the power was restored, but that made for an easy shift.

Moral of the Story: Don't believe the weathermen....seriously.

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