Thursday, August 20, 2009

Crazy is as crazy does

Have you ever had the urge to do something, but you think people might think your crazy??? I get these urges pretty constantly, and I always get criticism from my sister. I really wanted to start an Etsy shop, but she said it would never make money. Then I wanted to write a blog and she said I would have no readers (which is probably true, so if you are out there..let me know).

Right now I am considering starting a 365 project. Basically that means that I am going to try and take a least one picture (of myself or my surroundings) per day for a whole year. I have seen the idea on Flickr and I am intrigued by the pictures people come up with. If by the way, you have never been to Flickr, check it out ASAP! I find it so interesting to see the pictures people take and upload.

Soooo..I thought about it and I am going to try this project for a week. If I get through a week, then I will try a month, and if I get through a month, I'll consider going for a year! The best part about this, is that I plan on sharing my adventure with my blog....

Day 1
I never said I was the best picture taker. That is one of my cats, Cullen.

Thesis Countdown
Pages Written: 14
Pages Left: 6
Days Left: 1

Moral of the Story: Try new things, even if someone stares you in the face and calls you crazy.

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