Sunday, August 9, 2009


So this weekend I went to a conference in Orlando. It was called the Lawton Chiles Leadership Corps and it was held as a way to motivate students to get out and reform the education in the state of Florida. I didn't learn many new facts, seeing that I am studying to be a teacher and therefore should already know the state of education in Florida, but I am going to share some facts with you:

1. Florida is ranked 50th (DEAD LAST!!) when it comes to per capita spending per student. This means that Florida is not taking education seriously and this makes me sad. :(

2. Florida is ranked 2nd for juvenile incarceration....WHAT????

3. Florida is ranked 49th (NOT DEAD LAST, BUT CLOSE) on the number of uninsured children in the state.

There are so many more indicators, but if you aren't from Florida then you most likely don't really care. If you are from Florida or you really want to know more check out this link!

Although I wasn't that thrilled with the conference content...I did get to see a few cool people:

1. John Yi - He works for Facebook and I am addicted therefore I was excited to meet him.

2. Lawton "Bud" Chiles - He is the son of Lawton Chiles who is a great politicion from Florida. The Chiles family gives a lot of support to the children of this state and I commen them on their efforts.

3. Bill Clinton - as in the former President of the United States!!!!! I was in awe! He gave a speech and it was awesome and I was literally 500 feet from the podium. Pictures are coming soon!

Moral of the Story: I will attend anything you host if you promise free food and famous people.

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