Yesterday was the day I left for my conferences in Arkansas. A break from my everyday life and some professional development to make me a better teacher...bring it. However, I should have known that things would go awry. It always happens. Here is how my yesterday went:
7:20 - alarm goes off
7:30 - alarm goes off again
7:40 - alarm goes off for a third time
8:00 - alarm goes off for the fifth time and I decide to finally get up
8:02 - phone rings (my Mom making sure I got up for my flight)
8:15 - putting last few items in suitcase
8:17 - feed cats
8:19 - leave note for sister
8:20 - Write rent check because its due today
8:25 - pack car
8:30 - Drop rent check off
8:32 - Try to make a phone call, but phone is missing, search car
8:37 - Start to panic and then go through my purse, my carry on, and my luggage
8:45 - drive back to my apartment and search inside
9:00 - decide that I will have to leave without my phone
9:02 - get in the car and phone is miraculously in my purse ( I swear i checked three times)
9:25 - stop and get coffee (really needed this)
9:40- park at the airport
9:50- Checked in, bought some apple juice, waiting
10:30 - Decide to go through security because the line is short
10:45 - Still waiting in line because woman in front of me has apparently never traveled since 2001
10:47 - Woman in front of me didn't have her liquids in a bag, didn't know she had to take her shoes off, and left her laptop inside the computer case. Can people really not know the travel safety rules? Is it not on the 6:00 news nightly?
10:55 - Finally going through security scanner after woman goes through 3 times and forgot to take things off.
10:56 - Guard asks me to step to the side
10:57 - "Ma'am, I am going to have to pat you down" (Woman in front of me turns around and automatically thinks that I am the devil)
10:58 - "Ma'am, I need to check your hands for signs of explosives" ( Now the woman in front of me is freaking out and shaking her head at me)
(I am now freaking out slightly because I want to know if there was a threat by someone who is 22, blonde, and overweight flying from Gainesville to Little Rock or if it was just my lucky day)
11:03 - "Ma'am, you are free to go through"
11:05 - Back in a seat waiting, reading, minding my own business
11:07 - Oldest woman in the world decides to sit next to me and "chat"
11:12 - "We will now be boarding Flight #### to Atlanta. All passengers who spend a lot of money on our airline and who get the comfy seats please line up now. The rest of you wait your turn." (Oldest lady ever gets up)
11:15 - People start to board the plane!
11:16 - The same people are being ushered back into the terminal.
11:18 - "Excuse me travelers flying on flight ####. There has been a small mechanical issue on the plane and we will have a slight delay. We will resume boarding at 11:35)
11:35 - Nothing
11:45 - Nothing
11:53 - "We will now be boarding Flight #### to Atlanta. All passengers who spend a lot of money on our airline and who get the comfy seats please line up now. The rest of you wait your turn."
11:55 - People board
11:57- "We will now be boarding Flight #### to Atlanta. All zones."
11:59- I board
12:01- I am sitting, reading, IPOD in hand ready to tune out everything else
12:10 - "Excuse me everyone, this is Captain So-and-So, we have a slight delay in paperwork and will be taking off shortly.
12:15 - Sitting at gate
12:25 - Sitting at gate
12:42 - Start to back away from the gate
12:52 - Take off. "Excuse me passengers, his is Captain So-and-So, we will be arriving in Atlanta in 55 minutes."
(My connecting flight is at 1:55. This gives me 63 minutes until my flight leaves. Probably not gonna happen.)
1:51 - Land. (I have 4 minutes. Not gonna happen)
2:01 - Still on runway. Why?
2:10 - Finally unloading plane, on the tarmac, no ramp. NO RAMP in Atlanta? Isn't this one of the busiest airports? They ran out of ramps?
2:15 - Get to my connecting flight gate.
2:16 - I ask, "Has the 1:55 flight to Little Rock left?"
2:16 - Woman behind the counter says, "Yep"
2:16 - I say, "Ok, well my flight was delayed and I missed my connection"
2:17 - Woman behind the counter says, "ok" (The woman says 1 word..1 FREAKING word)
(Again I asked myself, Isn't this one of the busiest airports? Shouldn't these employees be prepared to handle situations like this?)
2:19 - After typing, she tells me to go to gate ### and ask them for a ticket.
2:26 - I get to gate ### and the woman behind this counter says, "that flight has been moved to gate ###."
2:32 - Get to gate ###. Get ticket. Sit.
3:42- Take off to Little Rock.
4:59- Land.
5:15- Wait for shuttle and get to hotel. Check in for conference and go to dinner.
Thank you Delta for making my day a fabulous experience from start to finish. I truly appreciated the invasion of privacy, the delays, and the great customer service.
Moral of the story: Bring a lot of reading material, eat breakfast, and plan to sit when traveling by plane. Or drive.